Welcome to 99 Quid Websites

Your Professional Affordable Website

If you've been relying on word-of-mouth or social media to drive your business, you might wonder why a website is necessary at all.

Here's the truth: a website acts as a crucial gateway that turns casual conversations and social interactions into real customer commitments.

It elevates your business from being just another name passed between friends to a professional business equipped to help people.

The Problem: Why Relying Solely on Word-of-Mouth is Risky

Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool—it's personal, trusted, and effective. However, it's also unpredictable and beyond your control. When potential clients hear about your business, their next step in today's digital age is almost always the same: they look you up online.

What happens when they search for your business and come up empty-handed? Doubt creeps in, and just like that, you've potentially lost a customer. A customer you didn't even know you had.

Here lies the crux of the issue: without a website, your business lacks a digital footprint, a critical factor in establishing credibility in the modern marketplace.

A website serves as the backbone of your business's online presence, confirming your legitimacy to inquisitive potential clients.

It's not just about having an online presence; it's about building trust, proving your credibility, and ultimately, securing more business.

Websites Solidifies Your Brand

A well-crafted website gives your business an identity.

It tells your story, showcases your values, and highlights your successes—all vital elements that help potential clients understand who you are and why they should choose you to do business with.

Websites Makes Your Business Accessible

A website is accessible 24/7, providing a platform for potential clients to explore your services, read customer testimonials, and reach out for more information at their convenience.

This accessibility increases your chances of converting interest into sales, even outside of traditional business hours.

Enhances Customer Experience

With features like online booking, service listings, and contact forms, a professional website enhances the customer experience by making interactions with your business smooth and straightforward.

It provides a clear path for customers to follow, from interest to inquiry to action.

Websites Boost Your Visibility

Beyond credibility, a website significantly boosts your visibility.

Search engines like Google favour businesses with a strong online presence, meaning a well-optimised website increases your chances of appearing in search results when potential customers are looking for services you offer.

The Clear Solution: Your Website as a Business Asset

By now, the benefits should be clear: a website is not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. It's an investment in your business's future and a critical tool in your marketing arsenal.

Remember, while word-of-mouth gets them talking, your website gets them committing.

Some of Our Websites:

The 99 Quid Websites Process: Crafting Perfection

Our process is transparent and streamlined:


A quick phone chat so you can share your website's vision with us. This can be about your ideas, your website goals and what you want to use your website for.


Crafting your website's layout and adding in your brand elements to generate a mock-up of your professional website


Once approved by you, we'll create your website. We'll use our software to develop the website and have it sharing your business vision.


You'll jump on another call with us, and we'll set the site live with you. You'll love your new website and will want to tell everyone about it.

Seamless Hosting and Maintenance for Your Website

Once your website is up and running, you'll be part of our secure, managed hosting and maintenance plan. This means we take care of all the technical aspects: security, software and platform updates, server optimisation, and those other techy tasks essential for your website's smooth operation.

Now, you might wonder, "What if I try to manage this myself?" It's a valid thought. However, without regular maintenance, websites can face serious issues. Neglect leads to hacking or data breaches, which are messy and troublesome situations.

We understand how daunting this can be, especially after a long day's work. That's why we've priced our service at an affordable £49 a month.

It's automatically billed, so you never have to worry about remembering to pay the invoice or perform site updates. With us, your website stays online and in tip-top shape, hassle-free.

FAQs About 99 Quid Websites

Is My Website Really 99 Quid?

The design and build of your website are just 99 quid, plus VAT. But let's talk about hosting and maintenance, which is £50 a month. It's an essential part of your website's journey.

Think of your website as a car. Our managed hosting is like the petrol, insurance, tuning, road tax, and MOT.

It's what keeps your car - or in this case, your website - running smoothly. With managed hosting, you won't have to fret about updates, security, or maintenance. We handle all that for you.

Now, you might be thinking, "Is this really worth it?" Absolutely.

When you break down the costs, you'll see that our hosting and maintenance plan is not only excellent value but often more affordable than similar plans from other companies. Remember, investing in our hosting is not just about keeping your website online; it's about ensuring it runs optimally, securely, and without any hitches.

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What If I Don't Want Your Hosting / Maintenance?

Rethinking Website Hosting: A Practical Perspective

You might be considering a £3 per month hosting option, thinking it's a bargain compared to our £50 monthly fee. Let's explore this a bit. You'll likely need a Virtual Assistant (VA) to handle updates, which typically occur five times a month. At £30 per hour, this adds up to £150.

Suddenly, the 'cheaper' option isn't so cost-effective.

Now, you might believe you can manage these updates yourself. It's a common thought. However, experience tells us a different story. Often, by the second month, these updates fall by the wayside.

The result? A hacked website and a frantic call to us, holding us responsible. At 99QuidWebsites, we value accountability and a harmonious working relationship. This scenario doesn't quite fit that bill.

Our hosting and maintenance service isn't a profit-making venture. We price it to be affordable for you. We're confident you'll love your website and appreciate the care we put into maintaining it for you.

Remember, a small monthly investment in our service is not just about hosting; it's about peace of mind and reliability.

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How Many Pages Do I Get on my 99 Quid Website?

Our standard package includes a home page, a services page, and a contact page. This trio often hits the mark for trades and service providers. Their main aim? To show they're a legitimate business, not necessarily to create a lead-generating powerhouse.

Now, you might think, "What if I need more pages?"

No worries. You're free to add extra pages.

For details on this, just ask us about additional web pages.

Here's where it gets even better. Fancy adding more pages on your own? Absolutely possible. We've got a comprehensive knowledge base and round-the-clock live chat support.

So, if you prefer a DIY approach, we're still here to back you up. Remember, there's no limit to how many extra pages you can add.

In short, whether you stick with the basics or expand your site, we've got you covered every step of the way

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What Do I Have to Supply for my Website?

Your domain name isn't just an online address; it's a crucial business asset. Imagine someone else controlling it / holding it hostage – not a situation you'd want to find yourself in. To prevent this, purchase your domain name and then share the login details with us. We'll seamlessly connect it to your website, ensuring you remain in the driver's seat.

Now, let's talk about the content for your website – the words and images that represent your brand. You'll supply these. They can be images from your jobs, photos of you, and a copy of your logo.

You'll also send us the website copy (the words) for your pages. This can be anything from 300 words to 1500 words. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? It's normal if you're unsure about what to write or which images to use.

Here's where we can also help. For an additional £50 per page, we can craft compelling website copy and provide licensed images. This way, you get professional, engaging content without the stress.

Remember, these services aren't just about filling space on your website. They're about creating a strong, cohesive online presence that resonates with your audience.

We're here to make sure your website not only looks great but also communicates your brand's message effectively.

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Are You Using WordPress?

At 99 Quid Websites, we typically don't use WordPress for building sites. However, we understand its popularity and capabilities.

If you're set on a WordPress site, we can certainly accommodate that. For a WordPress website, our starting price is £2,500.

This includes a 5-page site with a blogging area. If this aligns with your vision, we're more than happy to discuss it further with you. We acknowledge the appeal of WordPress, especially its vast array of plugins and customisation options.

We have experience in creating marketing websites on this platform and appreciate its versatility.

If your preference leans towards WordPress, do get in touch. We're here to bring your vision to life, whether it's through our standard offerings or a customised WordPress site.

Remember, our goal is to create a website that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

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How Do You Make Money?

We hope you love your website so much, that you try our other services like Marketing Content, or Marketing Coaching. Maybe you'll join one of our masterminds, or take one of our live trainings. This is where our business grows. And it won't grow if you don't love your 99 Quid Website so we do over very best to ensure you love your amazing deal and tell everyone about it.

We also have two very successful training academies that teach marketing skills and consult with some amazing companies.

99 Quid Websites are our way of supporting our local community and paying it forward. We know how hard it can be starting up, marketing your business, and getting visible. We aim to make it easier for you.

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© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved. 99 Quid Websites is a trading name of Tiger Associates Limited.