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3 Myths Preventing You From Finally Becoming a Thriving Small Business Owner with a Successful Website

August 08, 20243 min read

Every small business faces the challenge of establishing a strong online presence. Yet, many business owners cling to myths that keep them from leveraging the full potential of having a dedicated website. This reluctance not only limits their market reach but also hampers their growth in an increasingly digital world.

Myth 1: They don't need a website as they get everything from social media

Many small business owners think a social media presence is enough.

They believe social media gives them all the visibility they need.

Some think a website is redundant with platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

Others fear that managing a website on top of social media is too much work.

This isn’t the whole picture. While social media is vital, owning a website gives you credibility and a hub for your brand that social media cannot replicate. Start by listing what a website can do that social media can’t, such as providing a personalised brand experience or detailed analytics.

Look at businesses like local bakeries or boutiques that expanded their reach significantly by complementing their social media efforts with a robust website, thus controlling their brand narrative and customer interaction more effectively.

Are you fully in control of your customer interactions online? Owning a website puts you in the driver's seat of your digital presence, ensuring stability regardless of social media changes.

And finally, you can be booted, without reason from any social media platform. It's very hard to boot you from your own website.

Myth 2: They don't want the hassle of updates, hacking, and security risks

Concerns about website maintenance deter many business owners.

They worry about the technical aspects of running a website.

Many fear the risks of hacking or data breaches.

Others believe that website upkeep is too time-consuming and complex.

However, modern services like ours have made it easier and safer than ever to maintain a secure and up-to-date online presence. We include a powerful hosting service with security and 24/7 support that has a person at the other end of the chat area. Yes, a real live human being. Regular updates and backups can be done by our team, reducing the hassle.

Consider a small retailer who initially resisted a website for fear of technical issues but found peace of mind with our managed hosting service that handles all security and maintenance for them.

How secure is your business’s online presence? With the right tools and support, maintaining a website is less about hassle and more about safeguarding your business.

Myth 3: They think it's too much ongoing work like adding content, SEO etc

The thought of continuous website management overwhelms some owners.

They see content creation as a burdensome regular commitment.

SEO appears too complex and ever-changing.

Many believe they lack the time to dedicate to website upkeep.

Managing a website is indeed an ongoing task, but it doesn’t have to be burdensome. Content can be planned and created in batches. SEO basics can be implemented with initial setup and monitored with minimal monthly adjustments. Hiring part-time support for content and SEO can also be cost-effective.

A local gym owner thought updating a website would be too demanding but found that a simple schedule of bi-weekly blog posts and basic SEO practices increased their membership sign-ups dramatically.

Is managing a website as daunting as you think? Streamlining these tasks can integrate smoothly into your business routine, turning them into valuable investments rather than chores.

Now, let’s recap what we’ve discovered. Overcoming these myths can transform your business from just another local business to a well-established brand with a solid online presence. By controlling your digital interactions, ensuring your website’s security, and managing online content effectively, you can expand your reach and influence in the marketplace.

It’s time to embrace the digital side of your business fully. Your website is not just a tool—it’s an essential asset that supports and drives growth. Don’t let these myths keep you from realising your business’s true potential.

Want to talk websites with me?

Give me a call on 07816 528421, or drop me a message via Whatsapp.


Kevin is the founder of where you can get a professional website for your business for 99 quid. A deal that's better than it says it is? that's as rare as a white tiger...

Kevin Arrow

Kevin is the founder of where you can get a professional website for your business for 99 quid. A deal that's better than it says it is? that's as rare as a white tiger...

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