Why Do I Blog? Unpacking the Benefits of Business Blogging
Why Do I Blog? Unpacking the Benefits of Business Blogging
Have you ever considered the real power of blogging for your business? In this post, we will delve into why dedicating time to blogging could be one of your smartest business strategies.
Kevin from the Online Visibility Agency offers a wealth of insights into the advantages of blogging. He describes it not just as a tool for enhancing online visibility but as a transformative process that can refine your business approach and client interactions.
What Makes Blogging Essential for Businesses?
Blogging boosts search engine visibility. The primary allure of blogging for many businesses is its effectiveness in improving search engine rankings. This isn't just about attracting more eyes to your site; it's about attracting the right eyes. Blogging allows you to be found by people actively searching for the services or products you offer, which can lead to higher conversion rates.
Blogging also serves as a platform for demonstrating expertise. Through posts, you can showcase successful projects and share knowledge, establishing your business as a leader in your field. This builds trust with your audience, as they come to see you as a reliable source of information and services.
Blogging as a strategic tool. Beyond the obvious, blogging has strategic benefits. It helps you refine your business’s voice and mission. The act of writing compels you to articulate and reconsider your strategies and goals. This isn’t about setting rigid objectives but about evolving your understanding of what you want your business to be. This clarity can be crucial when deciding with whom you want to work and identifying the types of clients you want to avoid.
Self-discovery and business development. According to Kevin, blogging can be a form of "self-induced therapy." It encourages self-reflection about your business’s direction and ethics. This introspection can lead to significant revelations about personal and business growth, guiding you to better align your operations with your values.
Targeting the right clientele. Through blogging, you articulate who your ideal clients are, and just as importantly, who they are not. This process helps you attract more of the former and less of the latter, saving you time and resources. It’s about creating content that speaks directly to your preferred audience, deterring those who are not a fit for your business.
How Does Blogging Translate to Real Business Value?
It's a long-term investment in your business's identity. Blogging isn’t a one-off activity; it’s a sustained effort that gradually defines and refines your business identity. Over time, you can look back on earlier posts and see how your business and your understanding of it have evolved. This historical insight can guide future decisions and strategies.
Engagement and community building. Blogging creates opportunities for engagement. Each post invites comments, shares, and discussions, fostering a community around your brand. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and new business opportunities through word-of-mouth recommendations.
Enhanced online presence without gimmicks. Effective blogging focuses on delivering value to your audience rather than tricking search engines with keywords and hacks. This sincerity pays off in the long run, as it ensures your site ranks well for genuine helpfulness and relevance to your audience.
Wrapping it up
Blogging is not just about writing articles; it's about crafting a voice for your business that resonates with your ideal customers. It's a strategic tool that helps you articulate who you are, who you serve, and how you wish to be perceived. The commitment to regular blogging can transform how you operate and are perceived in the business world.
If you've been on the fence about starting a blog for your business, remember that the benefits extend far beyond simple marketing. Blogging can help you discover and refine your business’s purpose and culture. Joining the blogging community can offer not just visibility, but a clear direction and a stronger, more focused business approach. So why not start today and see where it takes you and your business?
Take a look at the video below
Full Transcript
Why do I blog?
This is a question you may well be asking yourself.
In today's video, we're going to cover some of the reasons
why you may want to consider committing to blogging for your business.
My name is Kevin from the Online Visibility Agency.
In today's video, we're going to cover some of the reasons as to why
you may want to get involved and commit, and commit is the big word here, to doing
some blogging activity for your business.
Now, there are the obvious reasons why people get involved in business blogging.
The first one, and probably the most widely known one, is people
want to be found more in the search engines, in different areas online
for what it is that they do.
It's a great way, as we know, of expertise, making a connection
with your audience, showcasing some of the success stories you've had in
your business, and a whole heap more that you may well want to get involved in.
Some of the lesser known things as to why people get involved,
and this is based on the fact of the hundreds of thousands of people you
get, that's right, hundreds of thousands, not five, hundreds of thousands that have
been through the business blogging challenge.
Com, which you can go and sign up for for free if you want.
Up to you.
I'm not worried either way, but you can come join us and join our community.
But people come in there and they come in with the idea that they're going
to get high rankings, high listings, and showcase everything that they do.
And they're absolutely right. That is one of the things.
But what normally happens is people start to write.
And when they start to understand how they write a blog post correctly,
it almost becomes some form of self-induced therapy, if you like.
They start to explore their own thoughts and feelings around the way that they
present their business, how they present their offerings online,
what type of thing they want to do in their business, and also who they want
to work with, because it's a big aspect of the development of any business is
knowing not only who you want to work with, but who you don't want to work with.
We've all got those people that are just an absolute nightmare
and drive you batty, where you just want to hit the wall for three weeks.
We've all been there, we've all had those, and we don't really
want to attract those.
So when we go down the blogging journey and we start to write,
explore our own thoughts and really put out onto paper,
virtual paper, what it is and how it is we want to operate as a business,
who we want to deal with each day, each week, and how that looks.
It does to help us develop our business.
Now, a business coach will tell you it's complete nonsense.
You've got to formulate a goals plan and follow the simple smart goals technique.
That's all great because that's what they're selling you.
I'm not selling you anything.
This is why I'm telling you business blogging is really good for the
development of your product services and business, and more importantly for you.
Because if you're a little bit out there in your thinking
and you're not clear and concise in who it is and how you want to work with them
via this medium, And through the online world, you're going to get a whole heap
of time-wasters and people you don't want to deal with.
And that's if you're lucky.
If you're really unlucky, you'll just get silenced.
Nobody will care and nobody will talk to you.
So it is a really great way of cementing into your mind and into your business
and into the people within your business, how you want to operate as a business
you want to work with.
And that's really important.
It's not something you do consciously.
You don't sit there and go, I'm going to write five blog posts, and at the end
of it, I'm going to know exactly how I'm going to be for the next 25 years.
It doesn't really work like that. It's a gradual process.
But when you start to think about your topics that you want to write about and
some of the types of posts you want to write, some of your success stories
that you may look back on that you've been over for the last 6, or 12, or 18 months,
it just helps you get that clarity of thought.
And once you've got that, starts to trickle through.
And what you'll do is you'll look back on your first blog post again
six months down the line, then you'll see how it's transitioned
over very, very gradually because you're being faced to see what it is you say.
And it's very easy to say it on a phone in a conversation because it's there
in the moment and then it's gone.
It's not so easy when you're writing it down and then you're rereading it
and you're looking at it and going, 'Not sure I meant that.
' 'I'm not sure I wanted to put it that way.
' Or actually, I'm getting people in asking for this because I'm talking about
that, and I don't really want to do that.
So it's a really great way of doing all of these things.
And of course, the bonus to this is if you do it right and you do it for your
audience and you don't try and trick search engines, you're going to get found
for the help and support that people are looking for within
the business that you offer.
So I think they're great reasons.
You may disagree, in which case, Google Ads may well be your friend.
If it's not and you want to nail this, this come and sign up.
It's absolutely free.
And you get more words of wisdom, which you may or may not use.
We're in that for 30 days, along with an amazing community.
Have a great day. See you on the next video.